Thursday, August 30, 2012

Launching 2 Google Talk instances under 2 separate accounts

If you have 2 Google accounts (for instance one private and one for work), you might want to launch two separate instances of Google Talk client.Thanks to the "/nomutex" command line switch hinted here, you can launch 2 instances of the program.
The drawback is that you need to manually re-login each time.

In attachment, you will find 2 .BAT scripts that allow to auto-login on both accounts.

Follow the steps to set it up :
  1. Download script gtalk_save_config.txt and rename it into gtalk_save_config.bat
  2. Download script gtalk_launch_both.txt and rename it into gtalk_launch_both.bat
  3. Login into Google Talk client under account 1
  4. Run script "gtalk_save_config.bat"
  5. Logout and login into Google Talk client under account 2
  6. Edit "gtalk_save_config.bat" and change GTALK_ACCOUNT_INDEX from 1 to 2
  7. Run script "gtalk_save_config.bat"
Each time that you want to start the 2 instances of GTtalk, run the script "gtalk_launch_both.bat".

Note : the "save" script must be re-run each time that you change settings in the Google Talk client (change password, ...)

Note : the script can also be used to automate switching of other settings, for instance HTTP proxy settings, if you replace "Accounts" by "Options" in the registry path.

Script gtalk_save_config.txt

Script gtalk_launch_both.txt

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