Friday, September 7, 2012

Screen Door Effect on LED screens

Since the introduction of LED screens, some laptop buyers have reported that their screens exhibit an annoying artifact called "screen door effect".The pixel grid is very visible and the screen image looks grainy.
The effect can also be described as like there is a black wiremesh between the color pixels.

The defect has been reported on many different screens, from low- (HD Ready) to high-resolution (Full HD), mainly on matte screens but also on some glossy screens, and nearly on all brands.

Here is an image that simulates the subjective effect on such a screen.
Screen-door effect Normal screen
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Examples of user reports :

Lenovo Thinkpad T420s review, see section "Screen"

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Launching 2 Google Talk instances under 2 separate accounts

If you have 2 Google accounts (for instance one private and one for work), you might want to launch two separate instances of Google Talk client.Thanks to the "/nomutex" command line switch hinted here, you can launch 2 instances of the program.
The drawback is that you need to manually re-login each time.

In attachment, you will find 2 .BAT scripts that allow to auto-login on both accounts.

Follow the steps to set it up :
  1. Download script gtalk_save_config.txt and rename it into gtalk_save_config.bat
  2. Download script gtalk_launch_both.txt and rename it into gtalk_launch_both.bat
  3. Login into Google Talk client under account 1
  4. Run script "gtalk_save_config.bat"
  5. Logout and login into Google Talk client under account 2
  6. Edit "gtalk_save_config.bat" and change GTALK_ACCOUNT_INDEX from 1 to 2
  7. Run script "gtalk_save_config.bat"
Each time that you want to start the 2 instances of GTtalk, run the script "gtalk_launch_both.bat".

Note : the "save" script must be re-run each time that you change settings in the Google Talk client (change password, ...)

Note : the script can also be used to automate switching of other settings, for instance HTTP proxy settings, if you replace "Accounts" by "Options" in the registry path.

Script gtalk_save_config.txt

Script gtalk_launch_both.txt